Shareware Grab Bag
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That's right! There's no read.me file with this package. I dare to
be different and decided to have my 'readme' file named 'notes'.
This file contains the revision history. Please read and print
the file ICPR20.DOC before you start working with this package.
Everything is menu driven, but you still have to know just what it
all means. Please use and enjoy this package, and contact me with
suggestions for improvement.
Wayne Wolf
You should have the following files in this ICPR20.ARC archive:
Revision 1.0
Version: Procomm
Name: ICPR10
This package was originally distributed under the name INCMND,
but I decided to expand this idea to be useful on most of the popular
communications packages, since each has their own preference of comm
packages. ICPR10 has an improved version if INCMND30. But, since I
am starting the revisions at 1.0 and renaming it, we'll just assume
that this is where is all begins...
Revision 1.1
Version: Procomm
Name: ICPR11
This revision was only going to be a bug fix but I decided to go
ahead and change the part that irks most of you and me as well. Don't
you hate having to wait for ICPR10 to recognize when a bbs is busy and
not have to sit there while it times out waiting for a connect for 40
seconds! Ugh! Well, no more! ICPR11 will recognize the modem result
code and act on the spot. Those redials go ever so quick now that the
BUSY code is recognized. That was the biggie in this revision. The bug
fix is in MAKED. It seems that every time it was tested more than a
page of numbers was entered, in one sitting. What ICPR10's MAKED did
was after running MAKED once, you couldn't run it again immediately or
it would hang the system. That is taken care of now. And if you entered
less than a page of area codes and then ran MAKED to add more, it would
hang. That too is fixed. The documentation was altered a little, and
that's about it for this revision. If you have ICPR10 already, erase
on your disk you installed ICPR10 on. Copy the new MAKE files onto the
disk you erased the old ones from and follow the note below. If you
don't have ICPR10 then don't worry about this, read the docs and go
to it!
PLEASE READ THIS Unfortunately, the old D.CMD generated cannot be read
IF YOU ALREADY properly by this new MAKED, so make sure you delete the
ARE USING ICPR10 old D.CMD and regenreate it from scratch. Also delete
***************** the file DIAL.CMD and run MAKEOTHR once again to generate
the newly revised version of DIAL.CMD. All of the other
files previously generated by the MAKE files are
compatible with ICPR11.
Revision 2.0
Version: Procomm
Name: ICPR20
This is a complete revamp of the package. Now there is only one
big program that does all the creating. It has the three sub-parts
of MAKED, MAKESTEP, and MAKEOTHR. This new revision is completely
menu driven and a lot more fancy than the previous revisions. Too
many new features to mention have been added to both the creator and
also the actual script files. Everything, finally, seems to be bug
free. ICPR20 takes complete control of Procomm and turns it into a
program specific for PCPursuit users, and does this only through the
script language! The best feature added to this new revision is the
ability to invoke the creator from inside a step file, inside Procomm
while connected to PcPursuit and a city! This allows you to add BBSs
as you discover them, without hassle. Just select the option to
invoke ICPR20 and if you have the memory to load it, it will run from
inside. Other features have been added as convenience such as the
ability to Exit back to procomm or even Quit to DOS, from within the
menus. Also, added to D.CMD is the option to connect to The Net
Exchange directly. Many various modifications have been made to make
this the best. Use and enjoy!
PLEASE READ THIS If you are currently using ICPR11, I have good news
IF YOU ALREADY for you! You can utilize those old scripts made by
ARE USING ICPR11 ICPR11 with ICPR20. You'll have to use the convert
***************** program included with the package. Put ICPR20.COM
and CNVRT.COM into your Procomm directory or on your
command files disk. Then run CNVRT.COM by typing
CNVRT. It will traverse thru the directory/disk and
convert D.CMD and the step files to a form readable
What it does is merely make the files readable to
ICPR20. You will still have to go and run the MAKED
and MAKESTEP submenu programs for each area code.
The convert utility merely allows you to retrieve
all of the old area codes and bbs numbers into the
new scripts without having to type them all in again.
After running CNVRT you can delete it. It's job is
done and you don't need it anymore.